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Why Regular Engine Maintenance Could Save You Money

We know that paying out for a vehicle service every year or so can feel like a pointless cost, particularly when your car is running perfectly fine prior to its service appointment. It can feel like an unnecessary expense or something you can put off until it’s needed, but in reality, sticking to your manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedules could help you save money in the long run. From preventing costly repairs to spending less on fuel, here are some of the reasons that regular engine maintenance could help you save money. 

Improved Fuel Efficiency

When you miss your maintenance schedules, you risk driving your car in less than optimal condition, meaning that some parts could be working harder to provide you with decent performance. When your vehicle is running in less than ideal condition, it’s likely that it’ll be using more fuel than it should be to get you from A to B, ultimately causing reduced efficiency overall. Save yourself some money on petrol or diesel costs by keeping up with servicing schedules and ensuring your car is in good shape.

Avoid Costly Repairs

Servicing and regular maintenance not only ensure your car is in the best shape but can spot signs of damage or breakdown often before it can turn into a bigger and more expensive problem. A small rust bodywork repair, for example, could be a quick and affordable repair, whilst larger rust patches can take longer and therefore more money to fix. Servicing can also help you avoid damage caused by build-up in your engines, which could lead to gearbox damage and more. If you don’t have your oil changed, for example, your vehicle could build up oil sludge and lead to a poorly lubricated system. This can reduce engine performance and in severe cases, even lead to breakdowns.

Improve Your Vehicle’s Lifespan

The longer your vehicle lasts, the longer you can put off having to shell out for a new car. We can develop sentimental attachments to our cars and it can be upsetting when they break down or we have to find the money for a new one if they just aren’t performing well enough anymore. With regular maintenance, you can increase the lifespan of your existing vehicle and ultimately get more time out of it, putting off the expense of a new car.

Reduce Or Avoid Emergency Breakdowns

While no one can say for sure that your car will never break down, having your car serviced and checked regularly can help you to catch and avoid bigger problems long before they cause damage. A well-maintained vehicle gives you the confidence to head out onto the motorways and explore the country without worrying whether your car will even make it to your destination. Vehicle recovery can be costly and you could also face higher insurance premiums after a breakdown, so it’s always best to take every preventative measure possible. 

While maintenance can’t completely eradicate the risks of damage or breakdown, keeping on top of your service schedule could help to save you money on your vehicle in the long run. You can help to avoid hefty repair costs or vehicle recovery, as well as keep down the costs of fuel. If your vehicle is in need of a service, we are on hand to provide efficient and cost-conscious servicing for vehicles across the UK. Simply get in touch with our team, today.