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Why Might I Need A Gearbox Replacement?

Your vehicle’s gearbox will typically be designed to last the car’s lifetime, but that doesn’t mean that things can’t go wrong. A gearbox replacement can often be a necessary but costly expense, so it’s crucial to know what to look out for as to whether you need a full replacement, certain part replacements or just a repair. Knowing the warning signs can help you better determine what you might need or when to get your car in for repair to avoid further damage. Our team can then run full diagnostics to find the best repair or replacement plan to suit your vehicle’s needs. Here is our guide to why you might need a gearbox replacement and what to look for.

What Are The Signs of Gearbox Failure?

There are a number of reasons things can go wrong with your gearbox, from manufacturer faults to poor driving habits or even just bad luck. Even if you take care good care of your gearbox, you aren’t immune to the potential for problems, so it’s crucial to know what to look for. In many cases, catching any potential issues early could save you from hefty replacement costs. It can also ensure that, if something is seriously wrong, you can remain safe on the road by getting your car in for repair as soon as possible. 

So what exactly could be a sign your gearbox is failing?

  • Odd Smells, Specifically Burning – If your car is emitting an odd smell, particularly a burning smell, this could be a sign that the fluid in your gearbox is leaking or low. A small leak can often be a simple fix depending on the cause of the issue but if you leave this unchecked, it could lead to a more serious problem or a more hefty repair cost. 
  • Strange Noises – Any noise from your gearbox outside of the norm should be investigated, but it’s worth listening out for buzzing, clunking, grinding and humming. This can be a sign of misalignment, damage or wear and tear that needs investigating as soon as possible.
  • Leaking Transmission Fluid – If you find puddles of fluid underneath your car, this could be a sign that your transmission fluid is leaking. Leaks may be a simple fix, but they could require the replacement of a particular part to resolve the issue. 
  • Driving Feels Odd – If driving your vehicle feels different compared to its usual operation, this could be a sign that something isn’t quite right. Sometimes your own gut feeling or driving experience can be the best indicator that something isn’t quite right, even if there are no other warning signs. 
  • No or Low Power – If your car has a sudden loss of power or pull, this could be an issue with your engine, or it could be a problem with your gearbox. In this case, the best bet is to stop driving and have your car booked in with your local mechanic to diagnose the problem. 
  • Failure To Engage – If your gears aren’t engaging properly or fail to engage at all, this is typically a sign that something is seriously wrong with the gearbox. It could be that the gears themselves have worn down, or that the selector fork is faulty – in this case, you should book your vehicle in for diagnosis and repairs immediately.
  • Check Engine Light – A check engine light should always be checked out by a mechanic, as it can be a sign that something is wrong with not just your engine, but other elements too, including your gearbox.
  • Gears Skip Or Jump While Driving – If your gears have begun jumping out of gear while you’re on the move, you should stop driving immediately. This can be a sign that something is seriously wrong with your gearbox and can be incredibly dangerous to drive.

Any change in how your gearbox is performing, however minor, could be a sign that something is seriously wrong with the system and needs to be checked out as soon as possible. Not every issue will require a full replacement if dealt with early enough, so booking in with a mechanic could save you the cost. However, if it does need replacement, the earlier the issue is dealt with, the less likely it will affect the rest of your engine or other parts of your car.

What To Do If You Suspect An Issue

If you suspect that there’s an issue with your gearbox, your next step should always be to book in your vehicle with a qualified mechanic. Minor issues like low fluid with no sign of a leak can often be amended yourself at home, but if you suspect that the fluid has gotten low too quickly, this could still be a sign that something is more seriously wrong. 

If there is an issue with your gearbox or you think there could be something not quite right, you should contact your local garage. We have garages across the country, ensuring there is one local to you that can suit your needs and schedules. All you have to do is get in touch with our team to book an appointment for your vehicle. We run full diagnostics to ensure we find the very heart of the problem and can put together a repair plan accordingly. We will always speak with you before conducting any repairs, so you can approve the works and the price before we get started. If a replacement is needed, we will discuss this with you including expected repair times, costs and more. We want to get you back on the road as safely and as quickly as possible and we will remain transparent throughout the entire repair or replacement process.

How To Avoid Failure

If your car is running smoothly and you are just looking for ways to avoid those costs in the future, there are a few things you can do to improve the lifespan of your gearbox. These include: 

  • Regular Servicing – With regular servicing and maintenance, you can improve the lifespan of your gearbox. Oil changes can prevent build-up of debris and dirty in the gearbox system, giving your gearbox a better chance at performing at it’s top quality. 
  • Warm Up Your Car Before Setting Off – It can be too easy to jump in the car in the morning and set off immediately, but this could have detrimental effects on your gearbox. Letting your car run for even just 30 seconds to a minute gives your engine time to send the fluids and fuel around and get things working properly. It ensures things are properly lubricated and can work as needed without any undue stress or pressure on the components. 
  • Check Fluid Levels Regularly – You should be checking your vehicle’s fluid levels regularly, and this is particularly important for the transmission fluid and coolant. These will are crucial to the proper and safe functioning of your gearbox and engine, and when they are low, this could lead to damage that can range from minor, to serious. 

For more information about gearbox replacements, gearbox repairs and what we can do to help, simply get in touch with a member of our team. We will book you in with your local Service4Service garage for diagnostics and repair as needed.