in General

The Role of Timing Belts and Chains in Engine Performance

Several complex systems make up a car’s engine and timing belts and chains serve as some of the most vital components, working hard to synchronise the movements of the engine’s internal parts. While their functions may seem simple, their impact on engine performance is profound. In this article, we’re delving into the critical role of timing belts and chains, exploring how they contribute to engine performance and why their maintenance is paramount for the health of your vehicle.

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in General

Finding Reliable Gearbox Support in Luton: A Comprehensive Guide

Your vehicle’s gearbox is a critical component that ensures smooth operation and optimal performance. However, over time, wear and tear can take a toll, leading to issues that require professional attention. If you’re in Luton and in need of gearbox support, finding a reputable and reliable mechanic is paramount – which is where we come in.

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Could We See the End of Manual Gearboxes?

For decades, manual transmissions were the standard, offering drivers a direct connection to their vehicles and a sense of control that automatics couldn’t quite replicate. However, with advancements in automatic transmission technology, the rise of electric vehicles (EVs), and the pursuit of greater fuel efficiency, the future of manual gearboxes seems uncertain.

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